How to order?
If you follow the next steps, you can be assured of a top-quality product:
- Select the types, varieties and amounts you wish to order
- Based on your selection you will receive within 1-2 days a proforma-invoice from us
- After agreement on proforma and terms of payment, your order will be prepared
- Clearly indicate when you want to receive the goods
- Inform us on way of transport and documents needed
- If you organize transport by yourselves, make sure it meets the required quality standards
- Connect us to your growing-plans so we can assist and advice where needed
After your goods have left our company, please inform if all arrives according to the agreements. Make sure your company is ready to receive the goods. If you wish to prolong the storage before planting, be assured that your storage place is in good conditions and meets the required climate. In case you will plant on arrival, make sure your greenhouse and workers are ready to start on arrival.
A good start is the base for a production of top-quality flowers!