Packing storage and transport of Tulipa
About packing
The bulbs of tulips are harvested from middle of June till end of July. After harvesting, the bulbs are carefully cleaned, graded and counted into the boxes.
Amounts per box (average):
- Size 10/11: 1000 bulbs per box
- Size 11/12: 750 bulbs per box
- Size 12/+: 500 bulbs per box
- Size 14/+: 400 bulbs per box
- As boxes and transport are expensive, we will always try to put the maximum amount of bulbs into the box, not to loose proper circulation and ventilation of air! So amounts given above may change upto variety and shape of the bulbs.
Bulbs are packed into boxes of size 60x40x23 cm (length x width x height) and one pallet can hold 40-45 boxes. Pallets are 100 x 120 cm.
About storage
After the harvest the bulbs are stored in our modern, climate controlled coolers. VERY IMPORTANT is to understand that bulbs after harvest are fresh and alive and need constant circulation and ventilation of FRESH AIR. Temperature while storing the bulbs is 17-20 Celcius. There should be minimum 20 cm surrounding space between each pallet. Important also is that between the roof of the cooler and top of pallet is minimum 1,50 meter space to provide good circulation. Ventilation of fresh air should be minimum 25% per hour. On arrival of the bulbs and if you may continue to store them yourselves at 17-20 Celcius, above guidelines should be followed carefully.
Treated tulips
It is also possible that we give the bulbs the full coolingperiod needed to make them flower. This should be indicated to us on making the order. In this case we first store your bulbs at 17-20 Celcius and at agreed date we replace your bulbs to another cooler at 5-9 Celcius to prepare them for flowering. It is important to coordinate this carefully with your sales contact within AMSONIA.
About transport
Many problems still occur while transporting the plantmaterial. Therefore it is very important that transport is organized with reliable partners in good quality, TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED trucks. Majority of our customers organizes the transport by themselves or they contract trucks to pick up the goods from our warehouse. In both cases following is very important:
- Trucks must be able to provide the right climate and ventilation + circulation if needed. Temperature should be set and not change during the transport-period.
- Trucks should arrive on the day that was agreed upon
- Trucks have to take the shortest road to the customer and drive preferable with 2 persons to reduce the risk on quality-losses during the transport